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Congenital dacryocystocele is a benign solitary mass
arising from narrowing or
obstruction of the nasolacrimal system during natal development.
Its prenatal diagnosis, using sonography,
is straightforward. CT and MRI are of benefit
only if the diagnosis is unclear.
It is usually detected during the third trimester.
Many lesions resolve spontaneously or after minimal intervention.
We report a case of a healthy male neonate with a
congenital dacryocystocele, which was diagnosed pre-natally.
The differential diagnosis for a medial canthal mass
includes dacryocystocele,
capillary hemangioma,
solid dermoid,
dermoid cyst,
nasal glioma,
and heterotopic brain.
Further examination did not reveal
any other pathological findings and
demonstrated normal fetal facial anatomy
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