A succenturiate placenta refers to the presence of one or more accessory lobes that are separate from the main placental body but connected via blood vessels. This condition is clinically significant because it increases the risk of complications such as retained placental tissue, postpartum hemorrhage, and vasa previa.
Placenta Position Recheck for R/O Succenturiate Placenta
When re-evaluating placental position, the following ultrasound considerations are important:
1. Assess Placental Location
- Determine whether the placenta is anterior, posterior, fundal, or previa (covering the cervix).
- Identify any accessory lobes separate from the main placental body.
2. Identify Connecting Vessels
- Use Color Doppler to trace vascular connections between the main placenta and any suspected lobes.
- Look for bridging vessels that may cross the membranes.
3. Check for Placental Margins
- Carefully scan for irregular placental margins or tissue discontinuities that suggest additional lobes.
- If the placenta has an irregular or lobulated appearance, consider the possibility of succenturiate lobes.
4. Assess for Retained Placental Tissue Risks
- In cases where placental lobes are suspected, ensure all lobes are completely delivered after birth to prevent retained placenta.
5. Evaluate for Vasa Previa (if indicated)
- If vessels appear near the cervix, confirm whether they are fetal vessels crossing the membranes.
- If vasa previa is suspected, perform transvaginal ultrasound with Color Doppler for better visualization.
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