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in Australia/I ♡ Melbourne

괜찮다고 생각하지 말자,아낌없이 부딪치자,,

by rltwnf 2010. 9. 1.

사실 어제 job interview가 있었다.

그깟일에 긴장 따위는 잘 하지 않는 스타일이라서...

머....잘 했다고 생각했었다.

그리고 내일...final interview만 남아있었는데...

난데없이 메일이 날라왔다.

It was great to meet you yesterday and I am sorry I'm only getting back to you now, but I'm affraid the number of applicants for the group interview has been filled. I would encourage you to try again maybe in a month or so when you have got more experience in speaking English, I know you understood everything and probably have a wider academic vocabulary than I do :-) but this job is all about talking, talking, talking - a hundred miles an hour all day, so if you feel that you could do that then contact me and I will book you in again next week. Best of luck in you future ventures and studies


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